Monday, December 8, 2008


One dream can make your life
One drop of water can make an ocean
One vote can change the country
One smile can make someone happy

One spark can wipe the darkness
One laugh can drive away sorrows
One step can be your journey to success
One touch can blossom love

One beacon can lead the way
One star can guide the ship
One thought can move a mountain
One hope can create wonders

One shout can be the voice of the nation
One support can change someone' life
One life can make a difference
"One" can bring in the change
And that one person is

1 comment:

Prash said...

A very nice style of writing, and a wunnerful thought. I see all the lines in all your poems begin usually, with the same word. Now, thats a signature style of writing :).
Keep going da!