Monday, December 1, 2008


This is my world
My space, my home
I love the silence,
I love the serenity
Some one is missing though.......

I speak to myself,
I see myself, I cry myself
I smile myself, I laugh myself
Why do I still feel there is some one missing?

I gauge the sunset
I see the dark clouds
I hear the thunder
I feel the storm
Is there some one missing?

Everything seems to be hazy
I feel extremely dizzy
I can see through the foggy glass
I can see you there,
Why have you been hiding since so long?

Finally I know who you are?
You are the one
The one whom I chased
I ran after
I followed
Finally i have found you
Finally! I have caught you
Someone named you Happiness
But i name you Enigma !!!!!!!!!

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